Terri is the founder of KRASKickers.org. Terri’s journey with lung cancer began with what she perceived as allergy and asthma-like symptoms. She developed pneumonia, which led to identification of a tumor and diagnosis of Stage 3 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC). Since then she has had three recurrences.
Terri didn’t find out until she was three years into her journey that she had a KRAS mutation - and what that meant for her prognosis and options. “I went looking for my community. As cancer patients, we’re always looking for commonalities. I wanted to connect with other people who had a cancer caused by a KRAS mutation, but I found there wasn’t a specific way to do that -- or a group dedicated to KRAS. So I founded KRAS Kickers to bring together the folks that KRAS affected – the patients and those who love us.”
At the same time, Terri has focused on educating herself on KRAS and the latest developments. She attends conferences, reads academic journals, interviews world-renowned KRAS experts, and serves with different lung cancer, precision medicine and other non-profit boards. She with enthusiasm knowing developments are happening rapidly. The info needs to be given to the KRAS Kickers community as soon as possible. It makes a difference.